
sexta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2012

Música sobre o NAD+

Aqui fica mais uma música do Dr. Kevin Ahern (www.davincipress.com/metabmelodies.html), inspirada na canção Penny Lane, dos Beatles.



In the catabolic pathways that our cells employ
Oxidations help create the ATP
While they lower Gibbs free energy
Thanks to enthalpy

If a substrate is converted from an alcohol
To an aldehyde or ketone it is clear
Those electrons do not disappear
They just rearrange – very strange

N-A-D is in my ears and in my eyes
Help-ing mol-e-cules get oxidized
Mak-ing N-A-D-H then

And the latter is a problem anaerobically
‘Cause accumulations of it muscles hate
They respond by using pyruvate
To produce lactate

Catalyzing is necessity for cells to live
So the enzymes grab their substrates eagerly
If they bind with high affinity
Low Km you see – just trust me

N-A-D is in my ears and in my eyes
Help-ing mol-e-cules get oxidized
Mak-ing N-A-D-H then

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